We Tried Design
Second year has, so far, been going too well. One of the best things is being part of the society We Tried Design; a group of second years who are getting together to produce and sell our own work online and at events. We also work together to share hints and tips, skills and techniques ranging from printing styles to suppliers we use for our products.
Its been so nice to be part of a supportive group who all want the same thing, to create well designed and high quality products and to constantly learn from our experiences and each other. Its also been rewarding to encourage new people to join the group and get them to experiment and get their work out there with the support of others. For the past two years I have been trying to produce my own work but have never had the confidence or knowledge to do it. Now I can go to events with the support of the group and feel confident about what we all make.
Working on projects outside of university has been so exciting as I can just experiment with styles that I fancy. Its also meant that my university work has benefited as I have learnt new skills from the group and the confidence I have gained meant I am able to take risks in my work, something I need to do more!

power in numbers
knowledge is power